Hosta’s going strong

The hosta’s are doing well … we are now up to 30 sprouts starting to grow. Hoping for more to come up in the weeks to come. Once they are…

Growing Hosta’s from Seed

We love our hostas … so this year we collected their seeds. Now we are in the process of trying to grow hostas from seeds and see what the results…

Working on our Maple Syrup Evaporator

One of our fall/winter projects is to upcycle an old filing cabinet into a Maple Syrup Evaporator. The drawers were taken out. We’ve done a couple burns to start to…

Tumbling Composting Bin

We need a way to make compost in a quick and easy way to add nutrients to our gardens. We built this Tumbling Composting Bin out of upcycled material around…

Final Boil

Last boil was on April 4th. We got another 1.5 liters for a grand total of 6.25 liters this year. Next year we plan to expand and hopefully at least…

2nd Boil results

From our second boil we got another 2 liters of Maple Syrup. Looks like there will be two maybe three boils left.