2nd Boil results

From our second boil we got another 2 liters of Maple Syrup. Looks like there will be two maybe three boils left.

Best Sap Day Yet

Not sure why but Sunday was the best day yet for sap … we have been averaging about 4 gallons a day. Today we collected between 7.5 and 8 gallons!…

2nd Boil

Second boil is underway we are hopping that we get the same amount of syrup as last time.

First Syrup

Our first boil generated 2.75 l of Syrup! It is amazing how different the flavour is compared to the store bought varieties of maple syrup.

First Seeding of the Year

Did the First Seeding of the year. A mix of vegetables and flowers for our gardens. The thinned out lettuce will be used in our hydroponics garden.

First Boil of the Year

This year I created a solar filtering system using a pump to move the syrup. The first boil is for 10 gallons of sap. After a number of hours we…

The Sap is Running

It’s that time of year and the sap is running. This year we tapped 9 trees and with the first week being done we have collected almost 10 gallons (40…