2024 Gardening Project #1

This year we got some space in a community garden and will be trying to do some Traditional First Nations Three Sisters Planting. We’ve been wanting to try this for a few years now but with limited space in our home garden it has not been possible. Stay tuned for updates and picks starting in May/June!

Getting the Gardens Ready

Hello All and Happy Spring Season! This past weekend we started cleaning up our gardens … both flower and vegetable. Now all we need is a little more warm weather…

Evaporator and Reverse Osmosis

Part of this weekends task was to get a little further along with our evaporator and reverse osmosis projects. We got the exhaust pipe installed on the evaporator. Next step…

Maple Syrup Evaporate getting built

We are (hopefully) 4 weeks before the sap starts running. We are working on making our up cycling miscellaneous materials from around our place. The base of the evaporator will…

Weekly Spring Gardening Prep

We are roughly 17 to 18 weeks before safely planting outside. We have started some of our plants early this year as we didn’t get the harvest on time/at all.…

Seedlings update

The hostas are going well … I have reseeded the empty cells so hopefully we get some more starting up in the next few weeks. If you would like some…

Hot Peppers Planted

We’ve Planted our hot peppers to get them an early start to the growing season. Planted so far are jalapenos, poblano, and cayenne. I know … I know … those…

Hosta’s growing well

The hosta’s are doing well … we are now up to 34 sprouts starting to grow. Hoping for more to come up in the weeks to come. Hosta are not…